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A Must See This Christmas Season - Art & Faith of the Creche

Creche from Poland

The Art & Faith of the Creche is a must see this Christmas season. The collection of hundred's of nativity scenes from around the world is owned by James and Emilia Govan.

Their generous donation allows visitors to view what I will call the most fascinating exhibit for FREE. Over the years the Govan's have collected over 500 creche's from 100 countries.

Each scene is unique and different in representing the nativity story using materials from beads, wire, clay and clothing each representing the county it comes from.

Make this a family tradition and go see this exhibit. Call for times since they do fluctuate when the exhibit is open. Or if you are out shopping near Water Tower check it out.

Loyola Univiersity Musuem of Art

820 N. Michigan Avenue

Chicago, IL 60611



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